Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Time shifting in the global world

People who work online and and whose clients are all over the world are now being referred to as time-zone-trotting professionals. They face a serious health risk because of sleep deprivation. Erran Carmel, dean of the Kogod School of Business at American University in Washington DC said, "Distance is dead, but time zones aren't." And, technology cannot solve this time zone dilemma. Time-zone-trotting professionals still need to sleep, spend time with their family and "construct a rhythm of their day."

Check out here how a rhythm can be constructed:


Digital Detox

Constant use of the email and social media and keeping abreast of constant news feeds can be damaging to one’s health, according to several recent studies. Internet addiction disorder (IAD) is now a recognized problem. Indeed, when frequent internet users turn off their devices, they undergo withdrawal symptoms similar to those experienced by drug users, according to a 2013 study at Swansea and Milan Universities.

There is a solution - do a digital detox. Getaways have sprung up around the world in beautiful places - tech-free retreats, they are being called, which will help you reconnect with nature, become more mindful and get back to yourself.


Monday, August 18, 2014

What the sparrows told Trish O’Kane

And what we can and must learn...

'Instead of wondering what was going to happen to the city, to the Gulf Coast, to the planet, I started wondering why one sparrow was hogging all the seed. I started thinking about their resilience, their pluck, their focus on immediate needs. If they couldn't find food, they went somewhere else. If they lost a nest, they built another. They had no time or energy for grief. They clung to the fence in raggedy lines heckling one another like drunken revelers on Bourbon Street.'

Read on here: http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/08/16/what-the-sparrows-told-me/?_php=true&_type=blogs&_r=0

Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD)

There are a number of studies that show that IAD, especially in those addicted to Internet gaming, is associated with depression, suicide, eating disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder, ADHD and more.

Check this out:

Thursday, August 14, 2014

The Wounded Warriors project

If you have had a loved one in the armed forces, his/her being wounded is the worst thing imaginable. While we are happy to get them back, and shower them with love and care, it is they who have to face the long, long painful road of rehabilitation, alone.

What can be more difficult than coming to terms with having lost a limb? Can you imagine the mental state of the person?

And then, as Jeremiah Pauley, Staff Sergeant said, "It's a big challenge for returning veterans to learn how to integrate with their families."

But, there is a way out, and they don't have to give in to the darkness of despair.

The Wounded Warriors Project aims at helping injured service members, and raising awareness in the community. It offers support and a renewed sense of purpose. And one of the ways to aid recovery is through golf.


Intelligent Workers, or iWorkers

These are the future of our changing workforce – and being able to activate and empower these workers in the coming years will be what separates the good companies from great ones.

So, who are iWorkers? iWorkers are powered by information and the ability to share, access and make use of it – anywhere and anytime. A workforce comprised of iWorkers is stronger, more efficient and agile in their decision-making. With access to the proper tools, they communicate and act on critical business data easily and effectively, allowing them everything they need to make the right choices and complete their goals. They’re more productive and provide a better experience for your clients and customers.
