Sunday, March 16, 2014

Having been a teacher for most of my life...

this article caught me...

A Point of View: The case for not leaving education to the teachers. You can find it here:

The turmoil regarding education is happening in some way or the other in all countries. The old system is not working, nor is the new. Everyone connected with education knows a constant revamp has to be done to keep pace with the constantly changing world - children have to be taught new skills, new ways of thinking, new ways of problem ways of coping, even....In many countries, children have yet to be made literate...

Here's a thought that caught me:

Our country is full of people who know things, and of children who want to learn things. A successful education system is one that brings the two together, so that knowledge can pass between them. In every village there are people with knowledge that would be useful to the young - retired accountants and lawyers, musicians and singers, those who speak a foreign language, writers, plumbers, farmers, engineers and amateur historians. And many of those would welcome the opportunity to teach what they know. Somehow we have failed to harness this capital, letting it go to waste while our children drift in search of it. Gradually our governments have begun to wake up to this fact. We are seeing a revival in government circles of the old idea of education as a charitable gift from one generation to the next, rather than a form of state-controlled social engineering.