Tuesday, October 18, 2022

A disconcerting future…

stares us in the face. Everything around us is seething: the alarming attacks on the marginalised, the virulent upsurge of fascism, and the unconscionable assault on himan rights. 

Noam Chomsky reminds us: “Human agency has  not ended.” Our hope lies in the fact that many of us can rise above uncertainty and demand an end to the prevailing narrative of deceit. 

A brilliant piece by Rajmohan Gandhi…

on the politics of hate in our country today… “Many sad things are happening; terrible things are happening. And do you know the saddest of all things? The silence about cruelty from the top.”

He says: “….. if you are a leader of a nation or a person with any influential platform and people listen to you and respect you, and they take their line of thinking from you, should you not say something when something cruel happens, when something callous happens?”